Pigment Landscape Coast 2017
Sketchbook Show: Edwardsville Art Centre Illinois USA
Katie Lochhead a second year MAF candidate from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville invited me to participate in the Sketchbook Exhibition she is curating having seen my sketchbook entry from the Sketchbook Project Brooklyn Library
It has been a great opportunity to create a book specifically for the show titled Pigment, Landscape Coast where I have worked through ideas that have accumulated from my recent work exploring the use of natural earth pigments.
Below is Katie’s introduction and outline for the exhibition that focuses on the role of the sketchbook.
“I have kept an active sketchbook for some years and am incredibly interested in the variety of ways in which sketchbooks not only prompt, but live alongside work. This show will look at the sketchbook not only as a means to make rough outlines for what larger work will look like, but as an independent, raw place to develop ideas, interests, and even “finished” pieces that exist only in this space. Katie Lochhead