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Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition

Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition

Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2016

I am very excited and honoured that “Furnace Wood” & “Climping Beach” have both been selected for the Summer Exhibition this year

 both sold during the preview days of the Exhibition.


submission process

Two pieces of work can be entered – the entry deadline was 12 February or when 12,000 entries are received

  • 11 March: notification that work had been shortlisted for delivery to the RA

  • Delivery pack arrived to label artwork

  • 12 or 13 May dates to deliver 2 dimensional artwork to the RA

  • 19 May: notification that work is still under consideration

  • 28 May confirmation that both pieces were selected and hung

varnishing day

On Friday 3rd June I join the other Royal Academy of Arts Non-Members for Varnishing Day, historically an opportunity for artists to “varnish” and touch up their work, now a celebration of the Summer Exhibition where refreshments are served and prizes given and an opportunity to see our work hung before the exhibition opens to the public.

Prior to the reception we are greeted in the Annenberg courtyard of the Royal Academy by a steel band which leads the procession along Piccadilly to St James’s Church where a service for the artists is held before returning to party in the galleries.