Sussex based textile artist
colour earth cloth
coastal landscape, northern light, human marks that map the land, the repetitive rhythms of nature provide endless inspiration for my textile artwork
initially studying interior design at Chelsea School of Art, textile artist Susie Koren now works from her Sussex studio. Her work is exhibited internationally in Quilt Art Shows, selected for Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, RWA Bristol, Discerning Eye, Sussex Contemporary amongst other prestigious UK galleries. Awards include the Royal Cambrian Selectors Prize and Fine Art Quilt Masters Award. Published interviews in magazines, online and her SAQA Keynote Conference speech give an in depth overview of her studio practice
Workshop at West Dean 4-6 June: Visual Notebook - Tactile Pages: Susie will be sharing her joy of making inspirational sketchbooks, a private reflective space to investigate ideas
about my work
quietly immersing myself in the process I paint and stitch, building up layers creating the narrative of place using earth pigments that leave crusty patches on the cloth blended in the soya milk binder I’ve used for the past decade
mediative hand stitch adds additional context, it is drawing with thread, a visual language drawn from my library of adapted stitch techniques that adds colour, shading, movement. I follow marks, contours and other geological references that forms texture and undulations like you find on the earth’s surface
with an itinerant childhood and enquiring mind observing maps, geography and geology informs my work. Undertaking field trips, experiencing the elements and repetitive rhythms of nature first hand through walking, gathering and recording, returning to familiar places to witness the changing environment and weather patterns. My observational sketchbooks are an invaluable studio resource.
artwork photography Katie Vandyck & Elizabeth Roberts